László András Ágoston

László Ágoston was born in 1986 in Budapest. His parents are intellectuals: his mother is a teacher, his father (László T. Ágoston) is a writer.
Although he has always been attracted by the theatre, he obtained a lot of prizes in various school competitions of literature or script- and film-writing. At the age of 17, he was already given a Kaleidoscope Prize, a Radnóti Diploma (both for declamation) and two Vörösmarty Medals (for performer’s excellence). However, instead of pursuing his studies at the University of Theatre and Film Arts and becoming an actor, unexpectedly he decided to study opera singing at Franz Liszt Academy of Music.
Along with musical studies, László enrolled in Metropolitan University Budapest with the maximum of points obtainable. He studied journalism, marketing and public relations. Besides his two degrees, he won the Scientific Students’ Association Conference (TDK) and got a distinction prize at the National Scientific Students’ Association Conference (OTDK) with his study entitled ‘Music in Advertisement – Advertisement in Music’ which was later published in the prestigious quarterly ‘Media and communication’. László was awarded the Fellowship granted by the Republic for his outstanding academic achievements and he is now member of the university’s wall of fame.

After graduating from both universities, László started Moltopera project, with the aim of approaching opera to young people. Moltopera performs only with young professional singers and sometimes at unimaginable venues (like ruin pubs). At the same time, he started managing young talents (like Marianna Sipos or Kayamar). From 2012 to 2015, he was the marketing advisor of Hungarian State Opera, the biggest cultural institution in Hungary.
During 2012 and 2013 he was the secretary general of Jeunesses Musicales Hungary, and he has been the president of the PerspektivArt Association since its founding in 2013.
László is one of the most-read bloggers in Hungary and for this work, he received the “Nordic Goodwill Ambassador” title from the joint embassies of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. He is a regular lecturer at the Metropolitan University Budapest.

CONFERENCE – “Are you serious?”

Laszlo Agoston will delve into the intricacies of cultural journalism in the 21st century, exploring the art of articulating the emotional resonance of music through the written word. He will provide invaluable insights on effectively narrating a musician’s life journey and career, capturing fleeting and unique moments, and elevating musicians to the status of stars. Additionally, Laszlo will address the role of AI as a transformative tool in cultural journalism, emphasizing collaboration over competition to harness its potential for the industry’s benefit.